Drew Estate Tabak Especial Dulce
A Nicaraguan, Coffee-Infused Cigar with Espresso Notes
This cigar is VERY different from all of the rest of the reviews you will read on Cigars in Demand. Why? Well, this is literally a "flavored" cigar. In other words, it truly is infused with flavor unlike the other cigars reviewed on our site that happen to have coffee-like tastes and notes of espresso. This gem has a creamy coffee taste with slightly firm draw with medium amounts of smoke. A very sweet taste and a nice velvety-smooth finish. Slow burning with about an inch ash before falling.
This baby has Nicaragua's finest coffee-beans infused into the tobacco. If you don't like coffee, then stay away from this cigar. But, if you're like the rest of us, and you enjoy a great cup of coffee, as well as espresso or a touch of milk chocolate, come enjoy this beautifully made cigar from Drew Estate.